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  • As a former public relations professional, I have the tools and strategies to help you build a self-promotional campaign: writing and communicating persuasively — even if you are seeking a career change. 


  • As a former teacher, I know how to present ideas clearly and motivate you to keep growing. I suggest resources, offer marketing strategies, and teach you how to  become your own best publicist.


  • As a career counselor, I help you zero in on fields that are good fits before you hit the ground running. My assessment exercises help you clarify your career goals and formulate a Plan A while having a Plan B in the wings — or finding a "bridge job" to tide you over until you land employment at your desired level.


  • As a career changer, I have "parachuted" into different industries and work settings: landing in the classroom as a teacher; at Columbia Pictures as a publicist; as the owner of a small PR agency; as a career consultant in the New York City public schools; and as an employment counselor for the New York State Department of Labor.

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