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As a former PUBLICIST, I can turn a phrase and use words strategically. I am a certified resume writer with the tools to pump up LinkedIn profiles, bios, and elevator pitches.


As a former TEACHER, I demystify the job search process and help you create a game plan. I can show you how to incorporate several job strategies simultaneously. 


As a CAREER COACH, I personalize my support by listening carefully and helping you clarify your career goals. We'll zero in on fields that are a good fit, and I'll keep you motivated. 


As an INFORMATION RESOURCE, I have a pulse on the current employment climate and offer my clients a curated library of the best articles and websites.


As a CATALYST, I understand the hiring process. I am a fearless cold caller willing to pitch a client to hiring managers and recruiters.


As a CONNECTOR, I reach out to my extensive network of professionals and arrange informational interviews with my clients.   


As a CAREER CHANGER, I am one. I understand the urge for change and the grit and creative problem-solving needed to make it happen. I've walked the walk successfully by using my strengths and learning new skills along the way. 

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