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"I genuinely appreciate your help and presence in my life. You're an inspiration. We are blessed to have you as our leader."                                                                                                                                                   Betsy


"The meeting the other night was wonderful.  I got some very helpful information and really enjoyed every one there.  It was an encouraging and comfortable atmosphere .  Thanks for being a great and gracious leader." 



"The Club gave me the spark and necessary push in finding a job. Please continue to help others so they can find their potential."                                                                                                                                             Daniel



"Our Job Club was tremendously valuable.  It provided a strong structure and a caring support system.  It helped me stay focused and positive and kept me from sinking into 'unemployment exhaustion'."                              Kate



"Thanks again for keeping the Club going. Its been a huge support and I've learned a lot about the job searching process and met some great people as well."                                                                                               Angel



"Job Club helped me gain a fresh perspective on my work search. Exchanging ideas with others at club meetings was a great way to discover new strategies as well as to improve my elevator pitch, LinkedIn profile and resume."                                                                                                                                                                          Lisa



"I just wanted to share the good news that I received an offer for a position at Montefiore Medical Center. Thank you for the support I needed during this time."                                                                                              Grace


"The Job Club is a valuable experience where you can share your job search challenges in an open, honest and relaxed setting. A wonderful opportunity for networking, exchanging ideas, resources and information."     Soraya



"The Drop-In Job Club reminded me that I'm not alone and not the only unemployed twenty-something.  I was also able to improve my job search and have gotten great feedback from employers who love the T-style cover letters."                                                                                                                                                          Katie




“Being a part of the Job Club kept me focused and accountable for goals, sparked ideas and creativity, and, most important to me, provided a cohesive supportive group of fellow job seekers. In short, it’s nice to meet with others who are in your same boat!”                                                                                                                          Elena



"Sherry is an extremely knowledgeable and generous career coach. Her skill set includes resume critique, networking techniques, and interview strategies. I found her suggestions to be clear and coherent and helpful. More, on several occasions she went above and beyond what I had expected in order to help me connect to people in my field. I highly endorse her."                                                                                                       Seph


"Joining the club was a commitment to myself after working with Sherry one-on-one. Her positive attitude allowed us to walk away with new professional connections, job strategies and friendships."                                       Lisa                                                                                            


"For someone like me that has been in transition for quite some time, group gatherings such as yours are always a breath of fresh air.  It is from the diversity of those groups that I learn most and get thought-provoking insight. Please keep it up."                                                                                                                                         Alain



"Sherry is great to work with. She has a special skill eliciting group feedback and support with plenty of time to individualize all of our job search concerns. I found her job club to be a necessary element during my career change. The pot luck dinner at the end allowed us to meet people from the other group and network even more." 



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