SHERRY NATKOW: 212-369-8184 | sherry@job-prep.com
Remember when looking for a job was relatively easy? Nowadays, it’s a challenge to find a good job with a decent salary, even if you have great skills and qualifications.
If you have a stellar work history and still aren’t getting interviews, it’s time to strengthen your resume. If you're submitting the same cookie-cutter resume over and over again, it's time to learn how to customize your resume for each position.
This workshop is for people who want to revise or completely overhaul their resumes. We'll discuss formatting, address each resume section separately, and leave time for lots of questions.
LinkedIn is a must for marketing yourself. Yet most people's profiles lack a Summary section: 2,000 characters of prime real estate, located right below the headline. By skipping a Summary, you miss a great opportunity to target decision-makers, differentiate yourself from the competition, and toot your own horn.
In this workshop, we'll critique a smorgasbord of Summaries: ones that "pop" and ones that flop. We’ll discover which techniques engage and inform, and we'll scrutinize summary samples that will inspire you to improve your own.
A proven way to make a positive first impression is with a well-crafted elevator pitch. It communicates your core information quickly and is adaptable for using at a cocktail party, at the gym, or at a conference. Your elevator pitch can also be tweaked for LinkedIn, cover letters, email introductions, and cold calls.
This workshop offers a step-by-step approach to crafting a successful elevator pitch. Learn how to effortlessly answer, "So tell me about yourself," with confidence.
Congratulations — you made the first cut and got the interview! The next step is critical.
The interview is your opportunity to prove that you are the best candidate for the job. Surprisingly, most people don’t interview very well; it’s not that they botch it, but they lose out because someone else was better.
Doing well on an interview has little to do with luck, and a lot to do with preparation. This workshop introduces you to the best resources to help you get ready and feel confident: websites to research industry trends; strategies to match your expertise to the company's challenges; and suggestions for how to answer the most common and the most tricky questions.
Thinking About A Career Change
These days, many adults are taking the leap of switching careers or industries. For those with years of successful work experience, why discard the past and totally reinvent yourself? A more realistic approach is to incorporate your accumulated knowledge and skills into a desirable new position.
The workshop will take you on a "scenic journey" of your own work history. You'll assess your interests, values, and skills from your past jobs which will increase your self-knowledge. This reflection, the important first step to any career change, will also help you identify attainable positions for which you are qualified.
Turn what could be a daunting ordeal of "reinvention" into an invigorating journey of "reintegration!"
Looking for a job is a lonely experience. We stay in our apartments too much of the time, stuck in front of the computer, TV, or refrigerator. This workshop offers an opportunity to exchange information, learn from each other, and receive support. If you wonder what to do next — or what works — you can bet that someone has new information and a tested strategy to offer.
We'll pool our resources, ask questions of each other, and share our collective wisdom as job seekers. We'll network and leave energized to "keep the momentum going.”
Research shows that teens turn to their parents first for advice with respect to career choices — making parents, rather than teachers or peers, the most significant influence in exploring the world of work.
Whether it's helping your child find the "fire in his belly," select a community service activity, or discover occupations of potential interest, this workshop will equip you with fun activities to do around the dinner table or in front of a computer. With schools so focused on academics and testing, the involvement of parents in career planning is more important than ever.